complete and updated
10 "Fiat lux 2020" videos
10 "2020 Lux in Domino" videos
2:02 each
to be uploaded
will replace
the last four videos below
The illustrations above tell the story that X1 cannot travel beyond a certain speed; i.e., it cannot be seen by Y to be traveling (at or) beyond that speed.
In light of those illustrations, if X travels at half that speed, 0.5v, carrying X1, which travels in the same direction with its own proper 0.5v speed, would X1 have infinite mass relative to Y but {not so} relative to X?
Parallelly, if an object travels at that speed v relative to the earth or a sub-universe, and another object travels parallel to it (in the same direction) at half that speed, would it have infinite mass relative to the earth or the sub-universe, but {not so} relative to the parallel object?